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Tag Archives: NASA

In my first blog on the Daily Beck (read it here) I asked the audience how to bridge the gap on a lot of issues and how to bring more people into the fold, or at the very least to get them thinking about the possibility of the country being massively on the wrong track.

The obvious answer is the debt.  Is the economic crisis, I think that is the easiest thing to point to and say, dude there is something seriously wrong here, our spending and our addictions.

I mean that our debt is in the 130 Trillion dollar range last I heard.  Greece is collapsing causing many countries, including ours, to bail them out.

Portugal, Spain, and Hungary are facing similar problems.  Who knows what is happening in countries like Germany and England but they are having similar economic and political upheaval.

And now Japan is the latest country whose leader is saying they are having major, major, economic problems.

Its Prime Minister said in a speech, and I quote: “Our country’s outstanding public debt is huge… our public finances have become the worst of any developed country,”

(Source BBC News, read here)

I mean it is the most obvious thing to point to because we all get it.

The politicians get it, world leaders get it, homeless people on the street get it, and you in your home get it when you have a certain number of dollars and have to choose between food and the PlayStation that you want. (Can you tell this is important to me?)

Anyways its the easiest thing to point to, when you spend more money then you can get, it’s just a big uh oh sign to people.  Just that the politicians can pretend, or out right lie, that they are tough on fiscal policy, oh they cut this program, oh they are streamlining that program, oh they are shutting down the funding to the not so important programs like….NASA and the Military.

Meanwhile they are shifting money around to the programs that they feel important, like Health Care, banking ‘reform’, and other miriad group of subjects.

That is just the best indication that something is wrong.

The problem here is that there is so much white noise in the air, so many diverse political issues that need to be talked about, some important, some not so much.  Just so many things to distract us, and people who will believe, well we will get out of this and they are tough on spending, oh we have to temporarily spend buckets of money so we can ‘grow our way out of this’.

So many issues that it is easy to get sucked into that it’s not always easy, or appropriate, to always bring up the National Debt.

But in short, to understand the money, the debt, the spending, the fiscal night mares, and everything else that is going on, may be the best way to get more people on board that there is something tremendously wrong in this country.

That an understanding of economics, and the truth of economics, no matter where it will lead us, will be the key to setting us and keeping us free.